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Teacher Resources

ESD Continuous Learning Elementary Staff Resource Page

This is the link provided by the District with information and Resources for Teachers for continuous learning during these extraordinary circumstances

Copyright Friendly Toolkit

This site gives and overview of Creative Commons and give links to places to find places where you can find images and sounds that can be used in student multimedia productions

Library of Congress Teacher Resources

The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help  teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching.

 Literacy Ideas   Here are some ideas for Literacy and Learning online Professional Development Modules

Through five distinct phases of this self-guided training module, you will...

Enrich your literacy instruction with digital materials about the books and authors you are reading

Utilize an inquiry research model to develop an initial Literacy Implementation Plan for integrating TeachingBooks into your instructional work with books

Receive a Certificate of Completion for your professional growth portfolio

ESD Online Professional Development

This is the ESD online professional development link.

You can earn badges and clock hours by doing the proposed challenges and blogging about your experience.

From the Gooru: How to insert a comment in a Google Doc

Video showing how to insert a comment in Google Docs (40 seconds) taken from the Google Gooru's Newsletter latest Tips and Tricks