Poetry Links
12 Best Poetry sites for Kids:
Writing Poetry Online:
Read, Write, Think: http://www.readwritethink.org/search/?resource_type=16&type=28
Acrostic Poem: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/acrostic-poems-30045.html
Diamante poem: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/diamante/
Individual Poet’s sites:
Ken Nesbitt: http://www.poetry4kids.com/
Jack Prelutsky (he is prolific and wonderful): http://jackprelutsky.com/http://jackprelutsky.com/welcome-to-my-new-website/
Dr. Seuss (bio – we have his books): http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/theodor-geisel
Shel Silverstein (funny!): http://www.shelsilverstein.com/
Robert Louis Stevenson (A Child’s Garden of Verses: see the entire 1895 virtual book on-line): http://www.robert-louis-stevenson.org/poetry/9-a-childrens-garden-of-verses
Janet Wong (she lives in WA and does school visits): http://www.janetwong.com/
Jane Yolen: http://janeyolen.com/poetry/
Search Engines:
ALA search for recommended poetry websites for children: http://gws.ala.org/search/node/poetry
Children’s Poetry Archive (site still in development – loads very slowly): http://childrenspoetryarchive.org/
Poetry Foundation (filtered for children) – choose a poem, read it, then click on link below the poem for author info: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/browse/#filter_good_for_children=1
Poetry Dictionary for Kids: http://www.poetry4kids.com/blog/lessons/poetry-dictionary-for-kids/#n
Poets.org (search poets and poetry – a great site. Enter poet’s name, get list of poems with complete text that can be easily printed, and biographical link at the bottom with photo): http://www.poets.org/poetsorg/browse-poems-poets
(listen to an author read part of his/her poem, author interviews, grade level, lesson plans, other resources) – a good site to listen to when preparing students to present their own poems. Username: Edmonds, Password: welcome: http://www.teachingbooks.net/tb.cgi?go=1&searchbox_level=0.84&keyword_type1=subject&boolean=AND&keywords1=poetry
Fun Sites:
Poetry 4 kids (site has ads) – can rate poems: http://www.poetry4kids.com/classics
Storyblocks (songs, rhymes, fingerplays for very little kids, performed by adults on video): http://www.storyblocks.org/
Random Poetry Collections:
Children’s Poems (a site designed by a teacher, with favorite poems): https://sites.google.com/site/childrenspoems/paul-fleischman
Young Student poetry (kids can submit their own work):
Inkless Tales poetry page (students read and write your own and read other’s here): http://www.inklesstales.com/poems/index.html
Poetry Zone (UK): http://poetryzone.co.uk/
RIF Reading Planet (for younger kids to express themselves as writers): http://www.rif.org/kids/readingplanet.htm